
Books :: Hunger Games

Books :: Hunger Games

I might be a little late jumping on this bandwagon, but OMG am I ever glad that I finally jumped. Won’t lie, I was a little apprehensive about the whole thing. It was getting so much attention, and I was just…


Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Just packing up some books… Back to the daily grind, another weekend gone. Is it me, or are they going by so much faster than they used too? I forgot to mention, Andrew and I went for dinner on Friday…

Life :: Horoscope

Life :: Horoscope

Ah another weekend. The weather is amazing, although today didn’t really turn out like they said it would. It was supposed to be in the teens, but didn’t get past 10. Ah well. How’s that same old approach working? Even…

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!

Ok, so I slacked yesterday and didn’t post at all. What can I say, just wasn’t feeling it, besides not having the time – between work, eating, and the ballet. Ah the ballet. It’s one of my favourite Toronto things…

My School Life: Plotted

My School Life: Plotted

So, we’re winding down to the final legs of the semester, and I had my individual presentation last night in my communications class. Phew! So glad it’s over. Presenting is not my forte. But I powered through it, I totally…

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