Recap :: Weekend No. 41

Recap :: Weekend No. 41

A perfect Fall day Ahhh, this weekend couldn’t have come at a better time. Between Fran being on vacation, orders coming in every hour, phones ringing off the hook, school assignments due, I was ready for my own vacation. But…


Movie :: One Day

Movie :: One Day

Courtesy of Google Images I had read another tweet about this movie, and it reminded me that I needed to watch this one. Yes, I do agree that Anne Hathaway has a terrible time keeping the accent, and it does…

Friday :: Wedding Fashion & Other Things

Friday :: Wedding Fashion & Other Things

Woot last week, another one of Andrew’s friends got engaged! I’m so happy for them, and she’s already starting to plan the wedding. Apparently she’s even set the date – for next September! I should probably start saving for that,…


Shopping :: Goodwill Thrifting

Shopping :: Goodwill Thrifting

This was interesting. I had a great time with Valentina, but Goodwill might just not be my styles. I did find some cute things, but I was a little weirded out by the stuff that they did have. I’ll admit…


Shopping :: RW&Co

Shopping :: RW&Co

It’s been awhile since I’ve gone shopping for actual work clothes. The last time I did it was last year. And I ended up with one pair of dress pants… One pair of dress pants does not a work wardrobe…

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