Toronto :: Dundas West Fest

Toronto :: Dundas West Fest

Here’s to another Toronto event that Briana and I made it downtown for! Yay! Now, this happened 2 Saturdays ago, I’ve been remiss in my posting about it. We decided to meet at one of the subway stops, as she…


Relationship :: 2 Years

Relationship :: 2 Years

I need to take more pictures of us….  Can you believe that it’s been two years already? Time just flies, and how appropriate that a week after our 2nd anniversary, we’re taking that next step and moving in with each…

Recap :: Weekend No. 25

Recap :: Weekend No. 25

A View to die for This weekend was amazing. It was exactly what I needed. I was able to completely step away from school work and just think about nothing except doing some yoga, chilling on the beach, and maybe…


Books :: The Great Gatsby

Books :: The Great Gatsby

Via Pinterest source It’s been awhile since I’ve written a book review, mainly because I’m still chugging through Les Miserables. I’ve taken a slight break from it, because well, it’s massive. In the meantime, I wanted to reread Gatsby before…

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