Beauty :: Simple Eye Makeup Remover

Beauty :: Simple Eye Makeup Remover

Image Via Unilever/Google  I’m actually almost done using up this remover, and I must say… I’m fairly happy with this. This was my first Simple brand product that I’ve ever used and it was nice. This is something that I…

Life :: Weekend No. 1

Well here we are. The first weekend completed in 2014. And it was great. I got things done that have been sitting around just waiting to be done. Not completely finished, of course, but sometimes you just need to take…

Life :: Happy New Year!

Life :: Happy New Year!

I can’t believe that I didn’t get this post up yesterday… Epic bloggy fail! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I hope that everyone’s New Year’s were excellent, and all the best in the coming year! I’m about to tackle 2014 head on,…

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