Review :: Natalie’s Essentials

Review :: Natalie’s Essentials

A couple weeks ago, I entered in a rafflecoptor giveaway on Ivory Avenue, and [always a shock] I won! A couple days later, I had my exciting Natalie’s Essentials gift box sitting in my mailbox. Always a lovely surprise. Sadly,…

Toronto :: Love Art Toronto

Toronto :: Love Art Toronto

When I was last downtown and stumbled upon the #Hashtag gallery, while I was there the co-owner Graeme gave us invitations to the Love Art Toronto show. I managed to make it down there and dragged my brother along for…

Review :: Movie I Watched

Review :: Movie I Watched

Alright, this post is going to be heavy. I’ve watched a lot of movies, and have been neglecting my reviews of them. I should also be doing a bit of a week recap, but that might have to be changed…

Toronto :: High Park

Toronto :: High Park

I finally did it! I made it down to High Park to see the cherry blossoms. This year’s weather hasn’t been ideal for the blossoms, mainly because it has been heavily raining for the whole week that they were blooming…

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