I am so thankful to everyone who participated in this year’s card swap. As I hope to make this an annual thing, I made a survey, and I appreciate everyone who has filled it out already. I’m also a little bit of a ditz and didn’t ask them to leave their name if they want to continue receiving cards etc from me. Oops. Things you learn from experience. So, if you did the survey and still want to just send me an email or leave me a comment please! I swear one day I will get this thing right.
I’ve already taken the comments into consideration and started planning out for my next year’s swap. Can anyone say eager beaver? I hope that everyone by now has received their cards, and enjoyed a little bit of extra happiness while waiting by your mailbox.
Also, for those who might be interested in it next year, or would like to receive a birthday card, feel free to fill out the survey as well. I’d love to know what people think is the “perfect” amount of mail to receive/send. I’m of the mind that the more the better. I don’t even mind how much I have to send, I love sending that much as well!