Life :: The First Month…

Life :: The First Month…

I can’t believe that I’ve already been living on my own for a month. It’s gone by so fast, and yet… I still seem to have nothing done? Definitely not living up to my dream standard yet. This weekend, Andrew…

Forever 21 Haul

Forever 21 Haul

So happy that my Forever 21 order shipped to work yesterday. I ordered a couple summer dresses and a tote for grocery shopping. It was cute and $1.50. I’m loving the fact that I’m in a total dress mood. I was…

Recap :: Weekend No. 21

Recap :: Weekend No. 21

Happy Monday! I was so excited that this weekend I’d actually be home, and I’d be able to do things around the apartment, which I finally was. I made the apartment all purty and clean on Saturday. I didn’t do as much organizing, and it’s kind of…

Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope

Another week, come and gone. And with it, it’s bring SUMMER. This weather has been beyond fabulous, and I can’t wait to actually get outside. Maybe a little rollerblade in the park? I haven’t been anywhere around my neighbourhood since…

Fashion Friday & Other Things

Fashion Friday & Other Things

Om nom birthday cake! You can really feel that it’s a short work week, because it’s already Friday. This one hopefully will make up for last week, since I didn’t have any links, and was rushing around like a chicken…

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