I can’t believe that I’ve already been living on my own for a month. It’s gone by so fast, and yet… I still seem to have nothing done? Definitely not living up to my dream standard yet. This weekend, Andrew…
So happy that my Forever 21 order shipped to work yesterday. I ordered a couple summer dresses and a tote for grocery shopping. It was cute and $1.50. I’m loving the fact that I’m in a total dress mood. I was…
Happy Monday! I was so excited that this weekend I’d actually be home, and I’d be able to do things around the apartment, which I finally was. I made the apartment all purty and clean on Saturday. I didn’t do as much organizing, and it’s kind of…
Another week, come and gone. And with it, it’s bring SUMMER. This weather has been beyond fabulous, and I can’t wait to actually get outside. Maybe a little rollerblade in the park? I haven’t been anywhere around my neighbourhood since…
Om nom birthday cake! You can really feel that it’s a short work week, because it’s already Friday. This one hopefully will make up for last week, since I didn’t have any links, and was rushing around like a chicken…