Life :: Apartment De-Clutter

Life :: Apartment De-Clutter

I’m still on my major minimal binge right now for cleaning up in my apartment, and slowly paring down on how much clutter I’ve accumulated. It’s actually rather amazing. It’s been 2 years since Andrew and I moved into this…

Life :: To Be Read List

Life :: To Be Read List

While away in the Netherlands, while perusing their bookshelves, there were so many titles that they had on their best-sellers tables that I’d never heard of back in Canada. Of course, my brother and I immediately made a list of…

Life :: Scrapbook Addition

Life :: Scrapbook Addition

A new addition to my *growing* pile of scrapbook stuff, and easily one of the most fun things I’ve purchased for it. A paper cutter! But not just any paper cutter, this one cuts in 8 different kinds of patterns….

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