A Regular Day @ Work

During my lunch break, the ridiculous conversation that happened:

L: Here’s the way you get a gun illegally. You know Ohka? In Quebec?
*G & I nod*
Ok, so you go, buy some drugs, like heroin. You drive to Ohka, trade your drugs for one of their guns, and then you have a gun.

G: If you had the money to buy the heroin, why the hell wouldn’t you just buy the gun? Instead of making that extra step of going to Ohka and heroin. This is a better way of doing it. You take that money, go to Ohka, buy a gun. Go and shoot the heroin dealer, steal his drugs. Go back to Ohka, trade the drugs for more guns, and help them smoke the heroin.

*At this point I’m dying of laughter* What kind of work place conversation is that? And it all started talking about people who shoot animals to keep their property safe.

Just wanted to share that bit of my day,

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