Books :: Interested in Reading

I popped into Chapters/Indigo for a split second the other day, and managed to add a couple more books to my list of ones that I’d like to read!

I didn’t purchase them (as I didn’t bring in my wallet – thinking ahead) but I’m definitely adding them to my list of ones to look up at the library/add when I finish off a couple more from my TBR pile.

I love finding new books, even if I’m not reading quite as much as I should be (I’ve been to addicted to reading manga/graphic novels lately – I should probably do a post about that soon!) so here’s to adding some more to my list!

Three to add to the list:


Monstrous / Ravenous – MarcyKate Connolly

These are a little bit younger than YA (they’re in the 9-12 age group) but the covers just looked too cute, and the stories sound interesting that I’ll add them to the list. Being in a younger age bracket means that they should be a quicker read, but I find that sometimes the stories are so good that you don’t want to put them down.

From the sounds of them, they’re retellings of popular fairytales – Ravenous is Hansel & Gretel, and Monstrous (I think) is a retelling of Frankenstein.

Unhooked – Lisa Maxwell

I’m the biggest sucker for retellings of Peter Pan. Definitely a favourite story of mine, and for the most part, the retellings are all so good. Unhooked sounds like it’s a bit darker than the rest, with a little more backstory for the characters. Does anyone else like Peter Pan spin-offs as much as I do??

Ah these look so good. I’m off to see if they have them at the library. Time to get them for some summer, cottage reading!!

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