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Ahh, it’s Monday yet again.
After an excellently lazy weekend of movie watching with Mom, cleaning, relaxing, playing with the kitten, it is now time to get back to work. Although my weekend was nothing to shout about entertainment-wise, it was a little on the rocky side relationship-wise.
Andrew did something stupid on Thursday night. I was out, and he knew that I was out, and didn’t have my phone on me. I was out with the barn ladies watching some show jumping and a dressage dvd. It was a lot of fun, but I digress. So he makes a mistake (texted something to my landline, and not my cell) and so he calls me twice, and texts me 3 times. “Omg I’m freaking out/Call me back asap/This is so bad”. I get these messages about an hour later, and I’m like.. omg he’s dying. So I call back, and it’s nothing. He’s getting all paranoid about something that is minute to what I thought had happened. So that didn’t make me too happy, and it was funny. Mom and I had a good laugh about it, which got him all upset because he didn’t want my mom to find out/hear it. He then told me that he wasn’t going to come over for at least 2 weeks, and because I’m a) don’t put up with that kinda stuff on the best day and b) PMSing… didn’t take that very well. I told him “whatever, your loss.”
So Saturday was comprised of him and I in a text standoff. We barely texted, which made me really sad. I was surprised and hurt that he didn’t even say good night to me. I started thinking to much, and actually ended up falling asleep crying. I woke up pretty much the same way because there was no good morning text either. I feel so lame writing about this but, meh, it’s how it is. I was upset. I texted him in the morning afternoon (when I woke up) and we kind of worked it out. It was a conversation best not done over text, so we just started talking about other things… small things.
He ended up coming over last night, and we talked, he apologized and then we fooled around. It makes me smile just thinking about us. Not just last night, but every time we’re together. It just feels so right. Even when we have our moments, I think that just makes us better. More realistic, and more likely to last. Simple, but complex.