Travel Bug

Via Tumblr.

Happy Monday morning! At least this morning dawned nice and sunny, even if it isn’t supposed to last throughout the day. (I really hope it does though, it’d be a gorgeous walk home!) On days like this, I do love that I have windows to look out!

Although, when the weather is like it was this past weekend… it definitely makes me want to be somewhere else. A toasty hot beach, perhaps? I’ve always had the need, the desire to travel. Needless to say, I have yet to go anywhere… other than within Canada. Not living up to the dreams! I’ve made the plans… Yet they always seem to fall through.

I have major travel plans for next year, and I do intend to actually follow through on them. Andrew and I were going to go down South for a week, but have decided against it because of money and time. I haven’t been on an all inclusive trip in YEARS. Ever since I was a wee babe. So it is definitely time to do one. But… I can’t make it work for probably another year. Sigh. But in my goals you’ll see that there are travel plans! And I don’t care what happens, I. Am. Going.

Gotta start saving hard core now… Sigh for the most expensive holiday coming up!
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