Life :: Travel to Boston – Part I


As much as it’s great to get out and travel, it’s also amazing being back in my own bed. And being able to use my mobile phone again. I was starting to have Twitter withdrawal, or at least the instant communication that I’m so used to.

On Saturday we got up, not nice and early at all. We actually slept in, and were running extremely late. We wanted to leave by 10, didn’t leave until 12. Although, we cleaned most of the apartment and all of my car so we got some things done. I packed up our things, and then packed up the car. We were finally ready to hit the road!

And hit the road we did. We drove the entire way there in a day, which isn’t hard as it’s only 9 hours away, but it was a long time to sit in one position. We did stop a couple times for food and gas, and then it rained for the latter half of our journey, so that was depressing. But we had a good, easy drive and nothing untoward happened while on the road.

When we arrive in Boston, we’re freaked out by the number of one way only streets the dominate the downtown core. We made it to the hotel without any kind of craziness, although the cost of parking in the city was something we probably should have looked into before embarking on this endeavour. We park and get checked into our hotel, which is a landmark in the city. The oldest running hotel in Boston. Pretty impressive! It was a little rich for Andrew’s taste, as he was upset that there was no free breakfast in the morning. We got complimentary morning beverages while we were there. Yay Starbucks hot chocolate every day! The hotel was impressive, but it was a little bit of a let-down. I definitely would not have stayed here if I had to pay full price for it, but on a deal you can’t beat how convenient getting to everything from here it is.


Since we arrived so late on the Saturday night, we just checked in and then went to a bar down the street and grabbed a bite to eat. The bar itself was a bit more classy then I was expecting as well, no such thing as nachoes and wings on this menu. It was tasty food, but a bit to much for the time of night. And we just snuck in before we had to pay cover, which is great. It was a great place to people watch, and see the Bostonians in their natural habitat. We decided that we were too tired to stay out later than eating food, and headed back to the hotel.


Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny. We decided that we were going to head out of the downtown Boston area, and headed out to the outlet malls, Home Depot and Wal-Mart. We are classy bitches. For dinner we ended up at this restaurant, Texas something? and oh dear American lord, it was delicious. Free food appeared at the table, and the portion sizes were ridiculous. I probably should have only gotten the half rack of ribs, but it was only two dollars more for the full rack, so why not? Although I barely touched the food, way too overwhelming huge. Gotta love the States and their portions.

More to come covering Monday and Tuesday! 
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