Toronto :: #FNLROM – Asia Today

Let’s get down with some culture, shall we?


The Royal Ontario Museum puts on these awesome events during the months of May and June, where you can dress up, eat, drink and be merry with all the artefacts after hours. I’ve put this on my list to do, but never actually made it out there last year.

Last Friday, my lady Rochelle invited me out to one of her friend’s birthdays as she was celebrating it at the ROM.

So. Much. Fun.

I arrived just at 8,  and waited about 30 minutes in line to get a ticket, since I wasn’t able to purchase it online. I didn’t think that was too insane of a wait, considering I’d heard that they get sold out and lines are crazy! Rochelle had already arrived, and once I got in, met up with her. I had originally worn heels, but once I got inside immediately changed into my flats.


Rochelle and her friend Pamela, were hanging out with another guy that they had just met, and we got a drink and started walking around the exhibits (Dinosaurs!) before the rest of Rochelle’s group arrived.



Since it’s been at least 15 years since I’ve last been to the ROM, I remembered absolutely nothing. It’s such a cool building, and of course the exhibits are amazing. Being there at night, with all the music pumping, and every one mingling and having a good time makes it an extra special time to be there.


Silly of me, I didn’t look at the program until later at night, when I saw that Justin Nozuka was performing. Do you remember him? You’d probably know his brother George better. But what a flashback to high school! We managed to get up there for his last song. He is actually the cutest thing of life. I was glad that I was able to catch him. Then we decided it was time to head out, since Rochelle’s feet hurt and I wanted a coffee. So we grabbed a coffee and chatted for a good bit before Second Cup closed.

I can’t wait to get out there again, and am already planning another night. Maybe I’ll see you there! For all the information, as well as online ticket purchase, head here!

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