Tag: recap

Recap :: Weekend No. 27

Recap :: Weekend No. 27

So pretty! What a weekend. Epicly long, which is amazing, only to have another long weekend again this week!? I can’t believe that July is already here, and I’m bringing it in in style! July long weekend, CANADA DAY! Andrew and…

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Just because this is an amazing pose… Happy Monday Everyone! I totally just realized that I have hot chocolate powder on my fingers, which make them look really dirty… Awkward moment at work! This weekend I was and I wasn’t…

Recap :: Weekend No. 23

Recap :: Weekend No. 23

Via Tumblr. So, I didn’t get anything that I wanted done. It was actually a little ridiculous, and I probably should have known better to think that I would get stuff done. I’ve been incredibly lazy, and undermotivated. This weekend…

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Via Tumblr. Inspiring for working and blogging! So the first weekend in June was pretty dismal. It rained. Or was grey. Or cool. Not at all like it was during the week. Kind of depressing, but it was good weather…

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