I don’t know why, but I can never successfully plan something. Group outings, parties, dinners’ out, they all fail. I put them together, and it never really comes to fruit.
I’m currently trying to put together a girls’ night in. Drinks, movies, girly talk, girly stuff, food, the works. I miss having girls nights. I used to have them all the time. Watching movies with hot boys in them, gossiping about boys, drinking, eating popcorn and laughing about life. Ah, for the carefree days of youth. Now, it’s much harder to put one together because people’s lives are so busy now! Work schedules, school schedules, other friend groups, hard to fit it all in. It’s interesting because I’m so untrusting, (which is probably why I don’t put together events, I always believe that no one will show up) and so I start second guessing myself when I don’t hear a reply. I start over-analyzing, and have to remind myself to CALM DOWN. I’ve started a list of things that I’ll need to get, and things to do. Once I get over my fear that no one is going to show up, then I should be alright. Would help if people would reply back to me… So neurotic.

I have such ideas of me being like the Socialite Hostess, or just a Socialite in general, but I probably will never get there. Haha. So depressing to think about. I think it’d be fun though, and definitely nice to have the money. I watch too much “Real Housewives of…” I want to have the perfect dinner party, and I want to cook for people. Maybe I’ll have a dinner party this summer. A classy affair, I want to cook and have desserts and have it all decorated prettily! Take lots of pictures, and just have a great night. Have it outside in the summer, have maybe a fire in the fire pit, and drink.
Would be a perfect night!