I did a little bit more of a splurge. I’ve been really good lately, and I know that I shouldn’t have walked into the Tommy Hilfiger store. But I did it anyways. I’ve never been able to resist a sale.
Is it just me, or are Tommy Hilfiger’s prices really reasonable? I guess I’ve always avoided going in when I don’t really need anything, or even if there’s been a sale thinking that it’s been way out of my budget. And it is a little bit, but it’s way more reasonable than Michael Kors or Coach. Especially when they have a huge sale going on, and they take SPC.
So I did a little browse of the store. I love Tommy Hilfiger. He’s so preppy and I don’t know about you but his magazine ads are so awesome. I always want to jump in and join them. As I was browsing I was noticing all this little signs: “50% off outerwear. 40% off dress shirts. 30 % off denim.” And then my downfall. “40% off shoes.” And I had already had my eye catch on a cute pair of pumps. They came in 3 different colours, and they were so cute! I did like them in navy and pink, but decided that nude and black would definitely work better for me.
Alas, it seemed like luck was not on my side. Their credit/debit machines were down. A sign from above that I shouldn’t spend money, perhaps? But just when we were all ready to give up, it suddenly went through. Guess luck was on my side. I then quickly ran out of the store, and out of the mall, shoes in hand. I’d already spent more time and money than I expected to that night. No need for more temptation!