I pondered long and hard about what in the world I was going to spend my millions on. I was lucky enough to win a $100 gift card that was good for a bunch of malls in my area.
I hummed, I hawwed, and finally came to a decision. I wanted this gift card to last as long as it could and go as far as it could. As much as $100 can. I had narrowed it down to a list of about 7 things. 7 things that cost more than $100 all together, but things that I know that I want [and still do, but I’m really resisting].
Final cut, a LuLuLemon yoga mat. This really tells you how much I’m taking my yoga practise seriously. Because otherwise, spending $68 on a mat is pretty extravagent. I bit the bullet, and I love it. Best purchase ever, and it totally kicks my $10 mat’s butt. And now my back doesn’t get sore from doing rocknrolls. Always a plus in my eyes!
And then I headed to Yorkdale, on a Saturday, and it was crazy busy. Yorkdale is probably the only mall out there that makes me always feel underdressed. Even though I put makeup on this time. And wore a cute outfit. I went hunting for shoes, I went hunting for pants, and I went hunting for cups. Anthropologie was the place that I was going to spend the rest of my gift card. On super adorable mugs. Like I don’t have enough of them already, right? These ones were on sale [even better] and they were just to cute to pass up.