This was interesting. I had a great time with Valentina, but Goodwill might just not be my styles. I did find some cute things, but I was a little weirded out by the stuff that they did have.
I like my things to have a fancy, expensive label. It’s awesome if I don’t have to pay that fancy, expensive price. But the thing with Goodwill is that it’s not remotely fancy. And there are certain things that I can’t even justify at those cheap prices. Like t-shirts. Ew. I can’t even wrap my mind about that one.
That being said, I did pick up two items, things that I wouldn’t be able to find for such cheapo prices. And things that I won’t mind if they get ruined because they only cost me $3. Yes. I bought a denim shirt, and a cute kilt like skirt and they both came to $6. Friday’s are their 50% off the ticket days, so definitely try to hit it up then.