
Saturday Night, and I’m Feeling Alright

Aww me and Andrew <3

Wooot party time! Being that this is the first time clubbing with Andrew since he left for a month, I was super excited. We went to a club that a buddy that he works with was dj-ing for. I’ve never heard of this place, it’s in a really awkward space, and I don’t think anyone really knew it. The place was practically empty. I had bought a new dress awhile back, (the sequin one) and was super excited to wear it. I wanted to do a smoky eye, but it turned into something way more neutral, with a cat eye. Haha. It’s my go to look. I used my new Naked palette, and omg. I’m in love with primer. Won’t ever go back. Pretty much, you can do anything, and your make up just doesn’t move. Sigh, another thing to buy from Sephora…

Awkward self photo!! 😀 Make up on
Saturday before partying
Sorry for the terrible ness, but had to show
how alright the make up still looks.

I wore my new dress, some thigh high stockings and my sexy Michael Kors booties. Made me so tall!! It was awesome. A couple of Andrew’s friends came out as well, and we got bottle service. 2 bottles of Smirnoff and 1 bottle of champagne! Fancy. I love dressing up and going out. It was probably a good thing that the club wasn’t super busy, because I kept getting over heated! Dancing to much. Although I wish that I had a girlfriend to dance with… but c’est la vie. Such is my life. We started the night with a pre-drink at his buddy Alex’s house, where he made nachoes, and figured out who was all coming.  A couple of his friends are sick, so they opted not to come. Too bad, as it was a good night. It’s always hard to not have fun when the music is so good. They played a lot of Spanish songs, and LMFAO, and some older stuff and it was a good mix.

Mikey and I

It was awesome because I brought my camera and Andrew took pictures with it, so I actually have some with me in them. Woot. I love being in pictures, but I’m so awkward in them. I wish I was less awkward sometimes. Ah well.

Dancing with Adam and Lisa
Looks like he’s having a good time 
Andrew, Mikey and I
Alex and I
I hope that everyone had a great Saturday night. I know that I thoroughly enjoyed it!
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