
Relationships :: Engagement Party for Kyleigh and Scott

I love parties, especially ones that are for such a happy occasion! Kyleigh and Scott are getting married next year, and I’m so excited for them [and for the chance to start going to weddings!, not gonna lie].

This occasion was being held at Scott’s parents place, and it was technically started at eight, but we were late arrivals, as we didn’t even leave until eight. Subwayed down, 7 of us in total. Almost half the party right there, haha. It was great to see Kyleigh again, and it was nice to be able to meet his parents, since none of us had. We had a great time chatting with old friends, [a couple of them we had met in Calgary] and just having a good time. There were toasts of champagne, and wine and cheese all around. I had a lovely chat with Scott’s father, and with Kyleigh’s parents [whom I’d met at the cottage].

I’m always pretty awkward in those situations because I usually don’t really know anyone. This time though, I seemed to hold my own, and was able to actually eat some food as well. Some of the guys got a little drunk, but nothing too crazy which is good. I’m excited for them to come back in the new year, so we can all celebrate some more. Another night and event to which I didn’t take any pictures. They have a lovely kitchen, and we stayed out until we couldn’t stay out any more! We ran to quickly catch the last subway train, and made it home. Thomas and Wes decided that they were going to stay as they were chatting with Scott’s parents and friends. They rolled in at around 4 in the morning, while we ended up getting to bed by 3. Late night’s all around equals late starts in the morning. Throws off my entire day, but what can ya do.

Next year is going to be busy with weddings! We definitely have 2, and maybe even a 3rd one. As Andrew says, next year is going to be expensive!!
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