
Relationship :: Happy Birthday!!

I haven’t posted one of these in awhile, and that’s because nothing extremely exciting has happened lately. We’re both extremely busy, but he turned 25 this week, and we made the time to go out and celebrate!

We weren’t able to do anything on his exact birthday, I was busy and I embarrassingly forgot to wish him happy birthday immediately. I took me 2 hours of texting to get that one out. I, obviously, felt terrible for the rest of the day and tried to think of ways to make it up to him. It was just the cherry on top of an already crappy day when I realized that I couldn’t find his card. Ugh so frustrating, especially since I bought it almost 2 months in advance.

I decided to take him out, and I hoped that we would be able to actually have a date night. We eventually made it out to Cafe Demetres for desserts. We had only been talking about doing this for a while so it was nice that we actually made the time to go out. We rarely spend any time together lately, so it’s become a goal of ours that we put time aside to see each other. Super romantic right? You do what you gotta do.

We ordered delicious looking and sounding desserts, and actually had conversation that weren’t interrupted by work phone calls every couple minutes. Now that is true romance.
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