Bah this weekend just flew by, and I feel like I was equally unproductive and productive. I just didn’t get anything that I should have gotten done completed.
The question is why do I do this to myself? I know that I need to keep on top of my studies, but every time I know that I have something due I just don’t ever feel like doing it, and then life gets in the way. This weekend was hecticly crazy and it wasn’t just due to homework [that I didn’t do].
Saturday I did my charitable duty and donated blood. Then I was running late for my dentist’s appointment which they ended up cancelling and rescheduling anyways. Joy. Waste of gas and time! Hate when that happens, especially when the weather is shitty. Then I should have been doing other things but I just lounged around, feeling extremely tired from donating blood. It might give Andrew tons of energy but giving blood always drains me [no pun intended].
Sunday was a bit more productive but not really. I spent the day making food for the SuperBowl party that Mikey was having at his place. I was there for 6 and stayed way later than I planned on staying. The poker game that I was in went on much longer than anticipated. I had a couple good hands and then I threw it away because I was dying to go home. Freezing cold [even though we were inside] and very tired of the company… To many boys!