
Recap :: Weekend No. 26

To say that this weekend was a bit of a whirlwind would be a giant understatement.

It was more like a tornado. 
I raced around getting all of my stuff out of my apartment, said goodbye, and handed in my keys. I had a slightly nostalgic moment because it was my first apartment on my lonesome. While not a lot of memories were made in that place, enough were made to make me a little sad about leaving. But there are much better things on the horizon right now that I don’t have time to dwell to much! 
So I am now officially moved out. 
But not yet moved into the new place. I’m currently a little in limbo due to the fact that it is CANADA DAY! [Happy Birthday Canada]. Although this kind of threw me off because I wanted to paint on the holiday Monday, it was probably better that we didn’t have that because we could then spend the day as we saw fit [celebrating Canada’s glorious birthday!].
It feels good to be out of my place, regardless of the limbo. I’m now officially living with Andrew, and every time I think about it it gives me butterflies! I’m just so excited and happy to finally be taking that step. It’s been a long time talking about it, and now it’s here. I already feel like things are just falling into place.

Although, I cannot WAIT for school to be done. What was I thinking going back? Haha. Happy Canada Day everyone!
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