Recap :: Weekend No. 23

Via Tumblr.

So, I didn’t get anything that I wanted done. It was actually a little ridiculous, and I probably should have known better to think that I would get stuff done. I’ve been incredibly lazy, and undermotivated.

This weekend was just a lot of driving. I picked Andrew up from the airport on Saturday morning, and I was a basketcase. I don’t know what the hell was wrong with me. I was snappish, and unhappy, and just blah. I dropped him off at home after we went out for breakfast, and I was such a downer! Although, I kind of had a downer mood Friday night as well. The main reason I think I was so off kilter is because of Andrew. When he comes back he’s usually so tired that sometimes he makes me feel like he’s mad at me [when he isn’t] and that throws me off. Also knowing that he’s only home for a little bit doesn’t help. Luckily though, I calmed down by the afternoon. We spent a lovely day kind of in bed [aka he was sleeping] and I was doing other things [aka not cleaning]. Then we went out for beers to watch the game, which I haven’t been following at all. I ate a salad, because I don’t eat enough veggies anymore. Then we went back to Andrew’s place, and I went to bed. Andrew stayed up to eat chicken strips with Adam, but we had a good conversation before I went to sleep. It was good to have that time to reconnect. And talking in bed is always fun.

Sunday I headed downtown for an appointment, and because it was in Yorkville [love!] I meandered along Bloor and Cumberland St., window shopping in all the designer boutiques, and contemplating a fluted tart pan from Williams & Sonoma. I was early for my appointment, so I bought myself a Starbucks, and sat on a bench in the sun. The little birdies were so cute, fluttering all around, they all got really close. They sat next to me on the bench. It was pretty amazing. I managed to get to Indigo as well, and use the 15% off coupon, picking up the latest mangas that I needed! Haven’t read them yet.. Savouring the moment. I made Andrew and Thomas some dinner, and then I dropped Andrew back off at the airport. Gone again. It’s definitely getting much harder with him leaving all the time. Still surviving though.. barely. Long distance sucks!

Spent the rest of the night with my family; went for a walk with Mom and the dog, and then had a cuppa. It was good to catch up with them, even though I ended up staying way to late. When Mom and I start going, it’s hard for us to stop! And the best thing? I got clean laundry! Woot woot. Now I just have to put it away and organize this week’s dirty laundry. I’m really hoping that this weekend coming I’m going to be way better with my time management skills! And going to get the rest of my apartment organized and unpacked!!

Here’s to hoping for a good week, and that it goes by quick! Happy Monday!
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