
Recap :: Weekend 42

How I wish I spent my weekend…
Another weekend, come and gone. Honestly, they just go by way to fast! Even though I didn’t really do anything fancy, I was still busy!

Andrew had gone up to the cottage this weekend, so I was all by my lonesome. I won’t say that I enjoy it, but it does have it’s perks. I was able to get pretty much everything on my To-Do list done. And I got to read some awesome manga. Total nerdness, which I was raving about on Twitter all weekend. Ah, yes for new levels of alone-ness.

Anyways, Friday was spent doing nothing. I didn’t go to the gym because I’m a loser and forgot my wallet at home… Honestly, twice in one week is a little excessive. So that meant I wasn’t able to drop in to pick up congee on my way home… Sad. I made fish and chips instead. I’m getting pretty good at this cooking thing. Then I plunked my ass on the sofa, and didn’t move.

Saturday, I was planning on being up at 9.30, alarm went off, and I went back to sleep. I was not yet ready to face the world. 1.5 hours later, I’m up and rushing around like a mad man. I had so much to do, and what felt like no time to do it in. Luckily, that feeling was wrong. I’m super pumped because I remembered that I live 5 minutes away from a brand new Walmart plaza, that has a TD bank in it. This is amazing because there wasn’t one near my new place. So I went and deposited some cheques, then headed to Walmart. Ah, Walmart. I love that you are so close. It’s a little ridiculous, I’m there at least twice a week. I did some grocery shopping, and picked up things that I neeeeeded.

I feel so weird as a blonde…

From there I went to Spirit Halloween, a pop-up shop that I didn’t realize was on Dixie. I was able to get pieces for my costume, which means I just have 1 thing left to get for it! Awesome. Love when things start coming together. Although, as my buddy told me, no one is going to know who or what I’m going as… Which is alright. No one ever knows who I go as… Unless it’s blatently obvious like last year… *cough* Nurse *cough*

Then to Dixie Outlet Mall, where I picked up my package that arrived *woot*, and got some awesome sushi that they made specially for me [I heart Japanese people, so cute] and then got groceries. I dragged all this upstairs to my apartment, put it all away, and then got cracking on homework.

Yay shrimp sushi!

Homework literally takes me twice as long because I’m constantly going and reading manga, or checking Facebook. Honestly, I need to get better at ignoring outside influences. But I got it done, and then read a manga that I started back in college, couldn’t ever find the end to it, but I found it. And it made my life soo much better, and more complete. If that makes me a nerd, I’m totally fine with that. Thank goodness no one was around, because I was making a complete fool of myself, totally talking to Kumo about how happy I was..

Sunday was spent cooking and cleaning. I got everything done. I’m so proud of myself. I got my apartment cleaned, and laundry finally ALL put away. Remade my bed, cooked up a crazy amount of meals. I ran out of ground beef, so will make cabbage rolls next weekend. And maybe a pot of soup. Mmmmhmm. Here’s to hopefully another weekend of cooking! Although it makes my apartment soo hot. Andrew came over for dinner, and it was semi romantic. I don’t think Andrew and I ever really have anything romantic… Someone usually ruins the moment. Haha, we’re just that kind of couple.
Sadly, it’s back to the daily grind. School again tonight, I don’t want to go! Haha. Have a great day everyone!

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