Random Wednesday

Sigh. This week has been a total bust. I haven’t gotten up early to do any kind of exercise, I’ve put my running on hold as I don’t have proper running shoes [and I think that’s the reason that my back felt like death the past two days]. I haven’t been feeling the best… and probably having Andrew still sleeping isn’t the best motivation to get out of bed. Regardless, I’m being a huge epic fail. Gotta start looking at fitspiration again!

Yes, I have no other picture to post other than a random cat lady one.
On a rather different note, I’ve been having the craziest dreams. This morning’s was me finding a stray puppy, and then taking him home with me. Also, I was painting like crazy! I was painting all the art for my apartment. I’m super excited to do that… Maybe this calls for me stopping off at Oma’s house on the way home from work one day to pick up my bike, the paints, and a cup of tea.
Then I might have to have a refresher sewing lesson and jump straight into making my clutch. No time like the present. And then I might be able to use it for my date night with Andrew on Saturday! Hmm.. *ponders*
This post is really random.. I have no direction with this. And all I have is the overwhelming urge to shop. And spend money that I don’t have. Maybe I’ll amuse myself and make it better by just making shopping lists everywhere and then posting here about them??? Sigh. I am officially a shopaholic in withdrawal.
I might have to start baking again… I think I’m going to make tarts. Because nothing says summer like fresh fruit tarts. Wednesday I might go pick up some fluted tart pans. Sigh for not having everything that I need to create! Plus, I can always eat fruit tarts… I can’t always finish a giant cake.
Pretty much this post is everything that I was/am feeling at the moment. Although at the moment I seem to have a huge headache, and work is not making it any better. So busy! I’m already counting down the minutes until this weekend.. it’s my first year anniversary with Andrew! Can’t believe that the time went by so fast. He’s in BC right now but he flies in in the afternoon. Then we’re heading out for dinner. I’m so excited for this!
Sigh, should post this while I can! Happy Hump Day!

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