
Quick Recap of My Uninspired Week

This week I’ve just been uninspired to write.. the weather has been gorgeous (not that I’ve really been outside) but I’ve been spending time with family and enjoying life. One can’t always be in front of a computer screen! I spend enough time on one at work, that sometimes it’s just nice to not have to turn it on.

Plus this week seems to have gone by surprisingly fast, with nothing exciting happening. Monday was baseball, so I spent it outside. Finally the weather is nice and hot during our games! We actually WON! So exciting, I played really well that day. Made it to third base ever time, and even got home! That was my goal of the game. I’m quite enjoying baseball so much more now that I’m starting to know people better and talk more (haha funny how that helps). I’m not as awkward and shy as I was in the beginning. I might even think about playing next year, depending on the financial situation. I might have to look into getting a car next year. Also, dependent on the financial situation of living alone. Sigh, so much expense!

Speaking of living alone, Mom and I are going to go apartment hunting on Monday!! I’m so beyond excited, I have no words. There are a couple that are super convenient for work (so close) and that are my first choice. Then I want to look at some that are kind of far out, but still convenient because it’s a direct bus route. I cannot wait. This is like.. the best thing ever. This year is totally awesome (so far) and looks like it will only be getting better. I will definitely be posting about the apartment hunt. I can’t wait to start decorating, buying furniture, cleaning, packing and unpacking! I got to start saving money for that stuff though. Which means…

..No more purchases online. Online shopping is d.e.s.t.r.o.y.i.n.g my wallet. And my budget, I need to completely overhaul my financial plan again. *shakes head* Gotta stop. I bought all the complete seasons of True Blood and the blue ray extended cut of Sucker Punch, among other things. I’ve spent way to much money. And I keep finding more things to buy! Killer. But in the end it’s totally worth it because I love it so much. And it’s not like I’m going into debt because of it. I just need to remember that I won’t have the unlimited income I have now once I start actually having bills to pay. Plus the urge to buy is starting to get impulsive which is BAD. Not good. Time to go cold-turkey.

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This week has been a pretty slow week on the boy front. He’s been working a lot more, so I saw him Tuesday morning when he drove me to work, and last night when he came over. I’ll see him this weekend which is nice because I didn’t think I would. The original plan was that he was going up to the cottage. So that’s always a nice bonus. I’m helping him get an organizational system for his work stuff, which is AWESOME. I’ve been dying to get my hands on that stuff. His “organizing” drives me insane. Haha. Plus a pool party tomorrow, which I might even go into the water, so I’m excited about that. It should be hot enough for me to go in.

Next week should be a little more entertaining… and also a little more busy.
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