Welcome to July! Happy belated Canada Day! *yes yes.. my bad* I’ve been pretty bad lately… I haven’t been feeling any inspiration to post for the past couple days.. the weather has been so nice lately (especially during work) that all I want to do is be outside! This week seems to be going by quickly too, it’s already Thursday and I’ve yet to get this post up! I’ve been working on it since Tuesday! Oops…
My Canada Day was spent… excellently. I got my hair done, and then spent it poolside. Avec le boy and his friends. Actually I spent the whole weekend with him, and had a ton of fun. Thursday night, we never made it out *cough* so we didn’t end up going downtown, much too tired. And much too preoccupied… *cough*. Friday we were up fairly early to get stuff done, and then I came back to his place afterwards for the pool party. At least the weather was HOT for it. Although I still didn’t go in (I get way to cold, and I couldn’t get my hair wet) it was interesting to see Andrew swim. Haha. Sounds so dirty, but he’s always telling me about his swim team days etc. but I’d never seen him swim. Won’t lie, it was pretty hot to watch. I realize I’m a freak, but it was. Even if he was RIDICULOUSLY cold after coming out of the water. I ended up getting cold anyways, but it was fun. The guys got ridiculously drunk, I was DD’ing so I wasn’t drinking. We ended up at Andrew’s house, and played beer pong. It was interesting to see Andrew drunk. It was funny, and eye-opening. I don’t care, I want him to have a good time. It’s nice that he doesn’t have to worry about me not having a good time just because I’m not a huge drinker. I chilled with some of his friends, and it was a good time. It was interesting to watch beer pong, because that was a game that I’ve never really played. But it does get you drunk pretty quick. He ended up falling asleep on the couch and I had the hardest time waking him up to go to bed. Although I was tempted to go to bed without him, but then certain events would not have occured… Not just between us. *cough*
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The rest of the weekend was pretty lazy… just him and I chilling, watching movies, going home, him working, me baking… Pretty calm. Nice and relaxing. Which is exactly what I needed after my hellish Thursday. I was ready to pull my hair out. Sigh. Hate those kind of days/weeks.
I’m super pumped for this weekend. Andrew will be staying at my house this weekend. Which is exciting. I have a huge amount of baking and cooking and cleaning that I want to do before he comes over… So I’ll be pretty busy the next couple days. Which I love. I’ve made a menu and everything. Although, I’ve changed Saturday night’s dinner… Because I’ve been seeing lovely pictures online, and now I want steak and fresh corn! I have this huge domestic streak running through me right now, and I’m actually quite enjoying it! *shock* I actually want to clean the house, and make sure everything is perfect… I have quite the list to attend too.
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Om nom nom. Via Tumblr! |
Tonight’s Agenda: Picking up things from the mall, baking my millions of cookies.
Tomorrow Night: Making the dough for my bread, getting potatoes for hash browns ready, baking some more… cleaning my room. *cough*