Experiment Time!

So, because things happened a lot faster than I expected, I can actually test out my experiment. I won’t say theory, because it’s not mine originally. I have gone off birth control because a) I’ve been on it straight for…

A Study of People

I have a sudden fascination with the way that people interact and how people choose who they choose. I’ve always been an avid people watcher, but now I want more of a scientific background as to WHY. This is very…

Toronto :: Night Out on the Town

Toronto :: Night Out on the Town

I freakin’ love Toronto. I know that I wanted to move out to Vancouver, and if things turned out differently, I might have still moved out there. But, due to many situations (Mal moving, my job is really good, I’m…

Goodbye Kiss

What a perfect day. Raining. Suits the mood incredibly well. I have a pounding headache that is one part weather, one part time of the month, one part crying. Tiz and I broke up last night, early this morning. I…

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