First insecure girl moment last night… We’ve already sorted it out, but it just made me more emotional than I expected. I’m already in an emotional time right now, where anything could put me over the edge. I’d been feeling…
I need to stop loafting on certain things, because I’m going to miss out on a lot of things in life. I loafted on the purchasing of the Alice in Wonderland ballet tickets, and now it’s COMPLETELY sold out. SIGH….
This weekend was awesome. We had crap weather, we didn’t really go outside, we got eaten alive by mosquitoes, but I had a great time. I got to spend a weekend with him and his friends. Who are so nice….
I’m kinda peeved. I was so excited to go to New York with the guys, but they’ve just informed me that it was going to be “guy trip only”. Which is whatever. We all know the reason why, but even…