Please Don’t Leave Me

Please Don’t Leave Me

Via Tumblr. I’m terrible at being a girlfriend. Not always, of course. Just every so often (during one week of the month) I’m terrible at it. During this week, I’m everything I abhored about relationships. Needy, clingy, insecure, paranoid, worrisome….

You and I

You and I

Via Tumblr. Ahh, it’s Monday yet again. After an excellently lazy weekend of movie watching with Mom, cleaning, relaxing, playing with the kitten, it is now time to get back to work. Although my weekend was nothing to shout about…

I Don’t Like To Hurt But…

I Don’t Like To Hurt But…

Ahh… finally pretty much caught up. Finished doing catch up about BC, went to work as per usual. The weekend was pretty chill, just hung out with Andrew and revelled in the fact that we could be together for a…

Travel :: Back Into Vernon

Travel :: Back Into Vernon

Monday was the day we trekked back to Vernon, and then just chilled, went through all of the things we bought, and talked. Pretty chill, in all. Well, the rest of the week was pretty chill. (With a whole lot…

Travel :: Day 2 In Vancouver

Travel :: Day 2 In Vancouver

Sunday Brunch! What’s a better way to start the day? And such a full day at that. We headed to downtown Van for our brunch, meeting up with Megan. YUM. Such big portions, but it was delicious. Hot chocolate, whipped…

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