Halloween Plans: Set!

Halloween Plans: Set!

Via Tumblr. So, I actually have some concrete plans for Halloween set in motion. Just have a few things to buy, like heel inserts for my shoes. This might be the cheapest Halloween ever, because I already have the costume…

Halloween Countdown

Halloween Countdown

Via Tumblr. Where the hell has this month gone?! All of a sudden, it’s almost a week until Halloween. My most favourite time of the year, even though this year I haven’t really given it much thought. My costume, hot…

Friday Wrap Up

Friday Wrap Up

Via Tumblr. Coffee with Ira last night: great. It was great to be able to catch up, and talk about what’s happening in our lives. I’m kinda jealous of his life, he only works part time so he can jetset…

Coffee with Long Lost Friends

Coffee with Long Lost Friends

Via Tumblr. Ahh today is just flying by. I’ve been pretty lax again about getting my posts up. I’m really trying for every weekday. It’s a lot harder than it would seem. Especially since what I post about is life…

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