Just Stop

Just Stop

Via Tumblr. This is the week. I can feel that it’s going to be rough. But I’m going to try really, really hard to not let anything affect me like I have in previous months when I have my meltdowns….

The Royal 2011

The Royal 2011

 Via Google.  Here it is! One of the best parts about November (other than the obviously classy Movember) is the return of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair to Toronto. I love it. Usually I go see a horse…

Saturday Night Hockey

Saturday Night Hockey

Via Tumblr. Om nom nom. So Saturday I had decided that I wanted nachoes and wings for dinner. Since we were going to be going and watching it out at a bar (most likely) I asked Andrew if it might…

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Via Tumblr. The Madison in Toronto Super exciting news!! I bought a car!! Well, my mother bought me a car, but I’m going to pay her back and pay for everything for it. So excited. I pick it up after work…



 It’s me with a baby! Shocking.  Last Sunday my family all went over to my cousin’s new apartment and had a great dinner with them. Lots of great conversation, and laughs, and playing with her little baby! That’s…

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