Via Tumblr. So, I didn’t get anything that I wanted done. It was actually a little ridiculous, and I probably should have known better to think that I would get stuff done. I’ve been incredibly lazy, and undermotivated. This weekend…
Rainbow for Friday! Another week, another Friday. I’ve been trying really hard to avoid temptation. It’s just so hard! Online shopping makes spending money that much easier, and when there’s a sale?? So I caved. I’m cheating, and it’s like…
More work temptation! This, sadly will be the last clothing haul that I’ll be making for awhile. I couldn’t help myself this time. Victoria’s Secret bras, 50% off? Yes please. Bras in my size? Excellent. Ever since I bought one strapless bra…
Ah Bliss. So expensive, yet so good. I wish that Bliss in general was more affordable. Yes, it’s good. Yes, it works. But it’s so damn expensive. These though, the only reason I picked them up was because I wanted…
Ok, so this was kind of a splurge buy. I was at the spa one day and saw these, and LOVED the pink colour. I thought, why not get the mini bottles? It’s not such a big loss if you…