Setting Some New Goals

Setting Some New Goals

Source: via Jasmine on Pinterest This past week and a half has been kind of meh for me on the blogging side of things. I’ve been more into “life” [which is always good] and I was completely negligent on…

Rearranging the Life

Rearranging the Life

Source: via Jasmine on Pinterest Somedays, you talk to certain people and it kickstarts ideas in your mind. Things that you can’t seem to get out of you mind until you put them down on paper and work out…

Recap :: Weekend No. 28

Recap :: Weekend No. 28

Ahhh the weekend has come and gone again way to quickly. I think that it should be mandatory to have 3 day weekends in the summer. I headed up to the cottage on Friday night by myself, and I rocked…

Fashion Friday & Other Things

Fashion Friday & Other Things

My 100 year belt buckle! Friday again, thankfully. This week has been really tough. I seem to be on a perma-tired groove, and it’s been really difficult motivating myself. Especially when I keep sleeping in. So that means I haven’t…

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