Source: via Jasmine on Pinterest I originally had planned to do my Lush post, but I’ve been negligent on the photo taking. I actually have a couple things I still need to take pictures of and review. Sigh. Anyways,…
Winners for me is always hit or miss [I also always forget that there’s a Marshall’s by Andrew’s house…]. They either have amazing things/brands [like that Michael Kors dress that I found, regardless of the fact that it didn’t fit]…
Here we are, another Monday. And another count down begins!! EAST COAST in 12 more days!! I can’t even explain how excited I am for this. This will be our first road trip, first trip, first everything together. Woot woot!…
It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to get a Saturday horoscope post up, but here it is. Things were a little less hectic, life is definitely calming down. It helps that Andrew and I didn’t go up to the…
Source: via Jasmine on Pinterest It’s funny how when you’ve really been thinking about something, a moment happens in life that has to do with exactly what you’ve been thinking about. The push needed to make or break a decision….