Via Tumblr. Totally want this cup. Life sometimes really makes you wonder about destiny/fate. When you look at two people’s lives, you have to wonder about how much of what YOU do affects what happens in your life. Do you take…
Source: via Jasmine on Pinterest Well, here we are again. Except this time… I have something to look forward to this week!! Andrew and I leave for the East Coast this Friday!! I’m pretty freakin’ excited about this. And…
Source: via Katie on Pinterest I have so many thoughts and things happening right now that I want to write about them here… But I don’t think this is quite ready to go out to the world. I’m going…
Source: via Jasmine on Pinterest Ahh. The weekend. Not that this week was stressful.. it was actually the exact opposite of stressful. It was so quiet that I’m almost caught up on all my data entry. And I honestly…
It’s almost the end of decent swimwear wearing seasons, and here I am, coveting new bathing suits. Which I definitely cannot afford. But I can definitely wish upon a star… Yes, I took pictures of the computer screen. I’m classy like…