All I can say is: TGIF. I am still super sore from lesson on Wednesday… Probably because my body is going into shock with having to do anything… Still haven’t been to the gym this week.. Hot yoga tonight should…
I’m addicted. Although, it’s all for a good reason. Since my cat’s a little bit of a bastard (albeit adorable) he chews through electronic cords like a rat, I have to go online and try and find a cord to…
Via Tumblr. Ah, I will say, that I’ve definitely lost some of my momentum with the gym. Little things keep coming up, and because I’m so strapped for time with school, the gym is the first thing to go. It’s…
Ah, shopping. How I’ve missed thee. I finally caved and bought some flats. And while I was at it, why not just buy 2 pairs of them?? I was scoping out the site, and noticed they had these awesome loafers,…
How I wish I spent my weekend… Another weekend, come and gone. Honestly, they just go by way to fast! Even though I didn’t really do anything fancy, I was still busy! Andrew had gone up to the cottage this…