Recap :: Weekend No. 1

Recap :: Weekend No. 1

Cuz he’s adorable The first weekend of the New Year. A fresh start. Time to get some new goals and some new habits in order. It’s weird to have this one start back at no. 1 too. It’s very weird…


Movie :: Rock of Ages

Movie :: Rock of Ages

Via Google Images/Wikipedia Ermahgad! Watching this totally made me wish that I had gone to see it while it was on stage in Toronto. Won’t lie though, Tom Cruise was a little awkward to watch in that role. I personally…


Friday :: A Short Week

Friday :: A Short Week

Via Tumblr. Thank goodness that this work week was only 3 days long. Not that it was strenuous by any means. But still. Super exciting because all of my books arrived yesterday, so I’ve been reading up a storm. I’ve…

Recap :: Christmas Days

Recap :: Christmas Days

Aw super cute throw back instead! I know that New Year’s should technically come after Christmas, but what can I say? I’m a rebel. Christmas this year was a little less hectic than last year, but not by much. Since…

Recap :: Holiday Styles

Recap :: Holiday Styles

Happy New Year!! I can’t even wrap my brain around the fact that it’s 2013. Seems like it’s all happened so fast. Even on New Year’s Eve, it seemed like the hours before the countdown went by incredibly quick. One…

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