Packing Up: Calgary Stampede

Via Tumblr.

I cannot believe that it’s finally time for us to head out to the Stampede. I’ve been counting down to this day for months, so it’s a little crazy that it’s here.

We left at the crack of dawn this morning, 7.05am, so by the time this post is up I’ll already be in Calgary! I most likely won’t have time to post during my time there, but I’ll bombard with pictures when I arrive back home. I can’t wait!

Trying to pack light is a lot harder than it seems. I’m only taking a carry-on because 4 days isn’t that long, and I can rewear most of the clothes out there. Because it’s the Stampede, I’m bringing Stampede appropriate clothing. Jeans, tees, shorts, and one dress. Flats and my boots. No hat, because I can’t stand them, but my belt and buckle.

Looking at the weather, it looks like it’ll be a gorgeous few days out there. Can’t ask for more. Every time I see a plane I picture myself on it, and this morning it finally was! Have a great rest of the work week and a great weekend!
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