Nails, Nails, Nails

I just realized, I have a problem.

I’m addicted to buying nail polish.
It doesn’t seem like that huge of a problem… but I’m constantly looking at new colours, and constantly buying colours. It wouldn’t be such a huge problem if I actually liked all the colours that I buy and wear them more than once.
I’m a huge fan of many styles, but one right now is dark colours. I think they suit winter seasons really well, and there are so many nice dark styles that aren’t “black”. I find that black just makes my hands look really pasty and dead, as well as old. I have to wear a lot of cream to make them look decent. Personally, right now, I’m in love with greys. A good French manicure can go a long way as well. I’m so happy that I’m working in an office and can do my nails prettily! Now I just have to get my ass together and do them more often.
I actually buy a lot of nail polish from Avon catalogues, but have recently started researching and finding different more professional brands. I’ve recently been introduced to butter LONDON, and Rescue Beauty Lounge. I would LOVE to try some of these brands… but really don’t want to spend on shipping and handling. When I’m dishing out 18 bucks for a bottle, paying 10 bucks in shipping is a little more than I’d like to spend. I’m also looking for the perfect nude colour… every time I try, it’s always too brown, or too pink or too gold.

Hopefully this Saturday I’ll be able to find the colour that I’m looking at! Because butter LONDON replied back to my inquiry of whether they have suppliers in Toronto, and THEY DO! So no shipping charges for me. I just have to head downtown and hopefully they have my colour!!!

I just recieved my Avon order, with my purchase of “Gunmetal Grey” polish. I have on Urban Grey right now, but I’ll probably change that tonight.


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