Moving Out

Via Tumblr.

Ahh. So it’s official. The familial home is now up for sale. It’s pretty crazy to think about, and it’s moving damn fast. This week it goes up, this weekend we have an open house. Mom’s going absolutely crazy trying to keep the house clean, and I have some major cleaning that I have to do tonight. The photographer came and Mom just shoved all my clean clothes into my closet.

I might as well make use of this time and do some packing. Time to pack up some books, magazines that I’ll take with me [all of this year’s] and I can start to pack up my winter clothes. I might even do another purge. I don’t need to bring years of clutter and hoarding with me. Especially since most of it I’ve probably rarely used. Am I a super nerd to be super exciting about the packing prospect? I’ve been bringing boxes home from work so I can pack them all up.

This kind of all seems a little premature until I have a place lined up, but eh. I do what I want. Seriously though, I’m looking for an apartment. Once the open house is through, and I don’t have to worry about being home to take care of pets, I’ll start making appointments to go see some. Super awesome that I have a car and I don’t have to rely on anyone to drive me. Not so much fun because I won’t be able to take anyone with me to see them and get their views.

Who knew that when you sell your house things move so quickly. We’ve already had 3 people come view the house, and we don’t even have a sign on the front door yet! It’s a pretty big kick in the bum to get a move on.

Change is always good. I can’t wait!

2 thoughts on “Moving Out

  1. Thanks so much! Those are two places that I’d love to go. I always think about moving and living for awhile in a foreign place… but it’s tough to do.
    Moving alone is always a little scary. But… if it’s worth it, then do it!

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