
Movie Review: Snow White and the Huntsman

Photo Credit: Manko Bros.
I was super pumped for this movie. It looked epic, had Chris Hemsworth in it, and even Kristin Stewart didn’t look like she would be a complete idiot in this movie. Even the fairy tale, Snow White was pretty awesome.
I have to say, I liked it but I didn’t love it. I want to love it, but I just can’t commit those 4 letters to this movie. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great movie. It has awesome Charlize Theron as the evil stepmother, and trust, she’s amazing. I definitely don’t want her as a stepmother. The mirror was really cool, and the effects were awesome.
There were a couple “da fuq??” moments. I’ve never actually used that saying before in my life, until I watched this movie. At one point, I literally said it to my computer screen [aka to my cat].

*** There are now spoilers coming up ***

I needed more though. It’s a fairy tale. Yes, in the Disney version there was only the one kiss, but this was a gritty non-fairy tale adaptation. I’m not asking for sex scenes, but I felt that it shouldn’t have ended the way it did. I needed, wanted, yearned for the Huntsman to end up with Snow White. I got one paltry kiss, she was unconcious so it doesn’t count, and then nothing. No alluding to them being in love, them ending up together, nothing. I was let down. I did have some teary moments, but seriously. Is it to much to ask that they get together? Literally shook my computer, asked Kumo repeatedly “They’re not ending it there… no … they can’t just end it like.. OMG THEY ENDED IT!” [Kumo was asleep, and therefore not listening to me.. not that he does anyways being deaf.]

I also found similarities between this one and Hayoi Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke. Quite a few similarities. Probably why I liked the movie so much more.

All in all, a decent movie. One that I would watch again, even though I’ll still be disappointed at the ending. Although, if they do make a sequel… That might give more of a finished product. Have you seen it?

3/5 Stars from me!
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