
Movie :: LOL Review

I love love love love this movie. I think it’s one of my new favourites. I love Miley Cyrus, and I’m not ashamed to admit that. I love her style in all of her non-Hannah Montana movies, and I think she’s so good.

That aside, this movie made me feel a lot of things. It made me feel reminiscent of high school, it made me want to journal like crazy [and change how I’ve been journaling… although that’s not really that new] and it made me happy. Lola’s friends are awesome, and it totally made me miss having that group of girls. I’m working on it, it’s just not there yet. It also made me want to take pictures in a photo booth…

I enjoyed the flip between her and her mom’s point of views. Her mom, played by Demi Moore, was good. Fairly realistic, I’m not sure that divorced parents would do that, but hey what do I know. The detective was super cute too, and made a cute couple with her mom. I don’t ever remember going to, or throwing parties like that when I was in high school, but maybe things have changed. I know that the teens nowadays sure have.

All in all, a great movie. Definitely one to add to my list of favourites.
My Rating: 5/5

2 thoughts on “Movie :: LOL Review

  1. I’m not a Miley Cyrus but I was curious about this movie. Since it’s on Netflix, and after hearing your view, I’m thinking about giving it a shot.

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