
Movie :: Bachelorette

Fuckin’ fab.

What a crazy movie, that made me simultaneously wish that I still had amazing girlfriends called the ‘B-Faces’ and do coke at the same time. This is a totally fucked up movie, but in it you can still see the reality of how women’s relationships are. And how, usually, they’re pretty messed up. Because women are. And that’s why we get along so well.

Anyways, the gist of the movie is that these woman all have major issues, and come back together for the wedding of one of their best friends. The wedding of the girl that wasn’t supposed to get the hot guy, and get married first. Being back together makes them realize how completely messed their lives have gotten, and how they’re all cracking under the pressure to be what they think society wants them to be. They do a terrible deed which they end up spending the entire night trying to fix, all while dealing with issues and each other.

Kirsten Dunst is awesome. She’s kind of a eh actress for me. Yes, she has some great parts in other movies, but she has some pretty bad ones as well. She really fit this role well, and I enjoyed watching the actual friendship that her and Rebel Wilson have. Rebel Wilson, enough said. She’s pretty awesome, and hilarious. Lizzy Caplan is a gorgeous cokehead, and she always looks good. I really enjoyed watching her get herself under control and really take charge of the situation. Isla Fisher is funny because she plays the ditzy one. She has a moment of terror, but bounces back from it.

I definitely got really into this movie, and when Andrew showed up, I had so much energy from watching it. He asked me what the hell I was on, and I totally felt like someone who had done some kind of drug. Which isn’t me, since I don’t do drugs.

Definitely recommend and love this movie. It’s definitely jumped up to one of my favourites!
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