Life :: Writing, Blogging and Living

It seems that lately, my lifestyle posts have been lacking. Disappeared almost. It’s something that I need to start getting back into, as I’ve always enjoyed writing about my life.


I’m finding it extremely hard to find a good life balance. Between work, school and blogging – sometimes ‘living’ gets left behind. It’s a little weird because as my blog “grows”, I feel more iffy posting about my actual life. I’ve always been fairly open about my life IN REAL LIFE but more and more I find myself turning into a beauty and event blogger [which is kind of awesome anyway].

I don’t know about everyone else, but way before I started cataloguing life on the Internet, I wrote it all down in journals. I still do actually. Does anyone else do this? I’m on journal # 15 in the past 10 years that I’ve been chronicling my life.  But I am finding it harder and harder to do as I’m putting more and more effort into my blog. I’m always a couple weeks behind in my writing, and oft-times I’m doubling up on topics. I like to think that I can write out more personal thoughts, things that I can’t [or won’t] post on the blog, but that would require me to write every day.

Conundrum? Or is it something that I’m just being a bit of an idiot about? Thoughts? How do you keep the balance manageable? Does anyone still write with a pen any more? 
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