Life :: Working Out with Blogilates

I have found the key to my workout success: Blogilates

I’ve been blathering on about starting up my exercise regime again, and had yet to hit the mat. Then, while on Instagram I stumbled upon Cassey Ho of Blogilates. She is a pilates trainer who sets monthly calendar goals for her followers as well as follow along YouTube videos.

As I am a complete beginner again in terms of strength, I decided to “ease” myself back onto the workout train with her Beginner’s Workout Calendar. It’s not really an ease, it’s a jump. I love it! I’m really enjoying her style of teaching, and the fact that I have a calendar to stick to makes it easy and encourages me to stick to it.

I’ve had to alter the schedule just a little bit to fit in with my life, as you’re technically only allowed one rest day, but I have to take 2 since Tuesdays I’m stuck in class and Wednesdays I’m riding – which is a whole different kind of work out. But that’s the joy of an at-home workout, you can fit it into your schedule and however it works best. I want to be able to do the morning exercises, so at least I’m getting something in the morning when I can’t do the after work routine.

I did manage to talk Andrew into doing the cardio with me, because he kept making fun of me doing it while he lay on the couch. He is also, very out of shape. Haha. I can’t wait until I start noticing more of a difference, but so far so good! I have yet to get a “before” shot, so will have to do that soon! I’m so excited that I’m excited about working out again. Eventually I will start incorporating more yoga into this routine, but I figured I needed to get my core and some strength happening as I’m getting really discouraged with how far I’d fallen in the yoga game.

What do you do to get yourself inspired, and what type of workouts do you do? Are you a YouTube junkie, or do you need to get to a class? Let me know!
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