Country no. 3 – Germany. This country needed more time than we had allotted for it, so we didn’t do it any justice. Just another country to go back to!
After a slightly harrowing drive through Belgium (after trying to get into Brussels) we decided to just move on to Germany.
“To Cologne!” I said, punching it into the GPS.
Oh, I should have known better. What made us think that we’d have any better luck finding parking in Cologne, than we did trying to get around to Brussels?
Alas, we were not lucky. We drove around, in the rain of course, narrow streets. We got lost. Andrew stalled the car a couple times at stop lights. We ended up on a board-walk sidewalk that was definitely pedestrian only. We didn’t get pulled over. Needless to say, Andrew wanted to get outta Cologne pretty quick after that.
So, we decided to head to the next town over – Bonn. Still no luck. But at least this time we found a grocery store to stock up on supplies for the week. We then headed to the campsite. In the dark, we had no idea what it looked like. But in the morning, it was gorgeous! Right on a lake, surrounded by hills and mountains, amazing. It was too bad that we couldn’t stay there a little bit longer. But it was time to move on to the next stop.
The Nurburgring. The Green Hell.
This was Andrew’s thing. He rented a car, and took it for a couple spins on the track. It was pretty cool. It’s one of those things that would be way better if you are actually driving, and aren’t fighting a cold. I went for 2 laps as a passenger, and felt extremely nauseous. But I didn’t chuck my cookies, so I was extremely proud of myself. Andrew loved it. I loved just the driving to get there, the scenery is so ridiculously pretty.