Life :: Travel Journal no.1 – Netherlands

The first leg of our trip – The Netherlands!

Andrew and I landed at 12.30 in the afternoon, after a long night on the plane. Andrew got some sleep, but I definitely didn’t. I spent the time watching movies, and being annoyed by a random man that REEKED of B.O. So uncool, man, uncool.

First note, I left my phone at home. Next time, definitely not going to do that. I miss having photos on it, and the ease of Instagramming while getting some Wi-Fi. Plus, I had absolutely no contact with my cousins as they were waiting in the airport for us. Oops. Lesson learned there.


But we found them (easily) and then we hopped in the car to head to their house in Cuijk. So, so gorgeous. I haven’t seen this side of the family in about 8-9 years. It’s nice because my third cousins are roughly the same age as me, so it was easy to chill out with them. And chill out we did. We stayed in Cuijk for about 4 days, and literally just vegged out. Slept in, went on bike rides, they took us out for a boat ride, it was so relaxing.

Of course, it wouldn’t be real if we didn’t have a family photo! And sadly, Andrew fits in more with my family than I do (looks wise)… Who’s that random Asian girl! Haha.

They helped us figure out where to find an RV camper for the first leg of our journey, and were so accommodating. I’d love to go back with my mom in the spring for a graduation present to myself!… And I think a few want to come out this way maybe this Christmas, which would be lovely!


One goal for sure is to keep up better communication. Especially since we are so close in age!

I loved Holland, and being out in the countryside. Every where you look are green fields and animals. Horses abound! I could easily live there, and just have a cute house and a horse in the backyard. After a couple super relaxing days, we were onto the next country and adventure! 
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